This is a little bit out of order of how i wanted to do things but life doesn't always work in the order you want it to, some may not relate to this but i know a lot of people will .... My music interest is a bit different then most, i have been through a few different "stages" of music and for the last few years it has been KPOP .... I can feel the eyerolls already and i just hope your eyes don't get stuck that way lol. There is CLEARLY a specific person in KPOP that just stands out more then anyone else to me (as if you couldn't tell by the picture above), and i may or may not express my "feelings" for him here. No i don't think I'll ever end up with him, I'm not THAT delusional although it would be cool to just meet him or to just have him see this even :)
Soooo PLEASE let me introduce to you mister KIM NAMJOON (Namjoon Kim if written in English).!
He is the LEADER of a beautiful group called BTS and this man has stolen my heart since the very first time i came into contact with KPOP, i wanted a change in scenery music wise and i got exactly what i asked for and i can't be anymore happier about it but I'm sad that it is so looked down on at the same time :( I mean i get it because it isn't everyone's cup of TEA but it is mine and i stand by this.! The most contradictory person that i have ever had the pleasure of finding in my lifetime and honestly we are so much alike .... MAYBE that's why i click so much with him and his wonderful existence lol. When i say "contradictory" i mean we want peace and quiet but we want to be loud, we want to be social but at the same time we want to be hidden etc. He is selfless but sadly hides his truth because sometimes you don't want to burden people with things you think you need to take care of and get through yourself. He is so intelligent, logical, strong, beautiful and a MUSICAL LYRICIST. He thinks he can't sing but in all actuality he can and it hurts my heart that he thinks that, he just sings better on a lower register but he can still sing and it sounds so smooth and calming at the same time you can't help BUT love it. Talented rapper, lover of art, deep thinker, living outside of the box and just the BEST of the BEST.!! Hearing how people that know him talk about him is truly mesmerizing (just as you picture it would be if you could even picture the amazing human being that he is) but not surprising and makes me want to get to know him even more, he's the type of person you want to get famous for something just to have the pleasure of his time and conversation *enter heart eye emoji here* lol.
I love him for the person he is and strives to be every day because we all have room for growth, the role model of a lifetime and so underrated. I wish and hope nothing but the most beautiful and wonderful things for him and that the life he chooses to live is nothing but FRUITFUL.!! He deserves that and sooo much MORE.!! Keep shining like the bright star you are, but never forget to take care of yourself first. Thankful for you every day <3
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