~ IS IT TRUE ?? ~

Published on 26 May 2024 at 12:53

Do you think it's really true what they say about age ?? The older you get the more angrier you are or whatever, like can you ever be so sick of people that certain interactions just, i don't know .... Piss you off more then others ?? Is it just tied to certain people ?? Is it connected to the experiences you have already gone through and the outcomes from those moments ?? Would love one day to get feedback on that.


I went from being an "extroverted social butterfly" to a "don't bother me introvert", The older i have gotten the more i have accepted my own company and prefer it that way actually. Honestly, even errands are more annoying then ever before, i turned into a recluse for sure (yes i just referenced myself to a spider, which is convenient because we have them here where i live now lol). I feel like i partied/hung out so much growing up that my social battery runs out too fast nowadays, although there are certain people that can make me feel like i have enough energy to share with them, or the simple fact that certain people make me WANT to go outside and spend time interacting. 


I'm actually envious of people who are outgoing still, living their BEST lives and it's a sad reminder that i used to be like that and because I'm not that way anymore and i don't know if i could ever get back to that, maybe when my kids grow old enough and have their own lives I'll get that energy back. Being a parent TRULY kicks your ass, i don't know how some people do it with more then 2.


I'm tired of being tired, just want to be happy again :((

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